23 January 2013

A Colorful Plate Year-Round

Our family is in the habit of going to a local farmers' market during the summer and fall to get farm-fresh fruits and vegetables. I admit that I have to work a bit harder during the off- season, when seasonal produce is less plentiful, to make sure that my plate is just as colorful. For overall health, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is essential year-round.

A good starting place in your quest for color is the freezer case. Frozen melon cubes, berries, peach slices and even pineapple chunks are available year-round. Frozen spinach is one of my favorites for convenience-it is washed, cut and ready to be tossed into a soup or pasta dish. From a nutritional standpoint, it has just as much vitamin A and fiber as fresh-cooked spinach.

Next, stop in the canned fruit and vegetable aisle. "Our studies show that the nutrition value of canned fruits and vegetables is comparable to fresh and frozen varieties," notes Barbara Klein, Ph.D., professor of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana. Dr. Klein points out that the canning process does not affect the amount of fiber in fruits and vegetables. Canned pumpkin, apricots, carrots and other orange fruits and vegetables are a rich source of vitamin A. "In fact, vitamin A levels in canned pumpkin are much higher than in fresh cooked because canned pumpkin is less watery and more concentrated," says Dr. Klein.

Finally, visit the cereal aisle. New technology for freeze-drying fruit enables cereal makers to add berries and other types of fruit to their products. A bowl of Total® with Strawberries is a great way to brighten up breakfast. Top with sliced banana, slivers of dried apricots or a medley of dried berries. Dried fruit is a concentrated form of fresh and retains healthy nutrients like fiber and potassium.

Here are a few simple ways to add color to your plate:
  • Toss sliced radicchio, red onion and yellow peppers into a green salad.
  • Sauté frozen spinach together with minced onion; top with pine nuts, golden raisins and a dash of balsamic vinegar.
  • Simmer slices of yellow and red apples and pears with a dash of apple cider and maple syrup until soft. Top with crushed Whole Grain Total® for added flavor and crunch.
  • Add frozen mixed vegetables to your favorite soup.

18 January 2013

Candida Natural Cure

Candida is a fungus which habitant the digestion system. It appears almost from birth, and its existence is harmless as long as is it maintained in normal levels.  This is achieved by the liver, kidneys, and the urine system functioning normally. But, when the delicate balance is violated unpleasant phenomenon might appear. The good news is that it is curable and the excellent news is that you can stay healthy and balanced for life.

Candida overgrow take place when it has the following conditions: white sugar, yeast, and moister moldy surroundings.  For this reason balanced nutrition should exclude white breads, baked food with yeast, and processed food.  Additional factors: pregnancy prevention pills, antibiotics, consumptions of steroids for 6 months or more and environmental conditions such as smoke and toxic materials.           

In average Candida is responsible for about 100 different toxins. This leads to a large number of symptoms in case it is overgrown. The systems are:

•    Digestion – swollen stomach, diarrhea, and feeling very tired post meals.
•    Skin – Appearance of fungus and itchy red skin.
•    Nerves – Sensitiveness to certain smells, no ability to concentrate or remember, and depression.
•    Immunity – Allergies, swollen lymph glands and catching a cold.
•    Hormones – decrease in fertility.
•    Skeleton – Difficulties in basic exercises, joint pains, and muscle pain.

The basic treatment for Candida is changing your diet.  Stages of treatment:

1.    Change your nutrition – A suitable nutrition will change the body’s ecology, the digestion system and lead to starvation of the Candida.
2.    Balance the good germs -   Balance the good germs in your digestion system.
3.    Strengthening the immunity system - To increase the vital force, enabling the body to better balance the Candida.
4.    Avoid Candida strengthening – Avoid using antibiotic, pregnancy prevention pills, sugar and white breads.
5.    Clean toxins from the liver – The liver is the most important organ in the body which eliminate toxins, strict eating, avoiding toxic foods could help it in removing toxins.
6.    Reduce tensions - Adding vitamins C and B and nutritious plants.  Combining it with reflexologies, shiatsu, and massage should lead to tension reduction.  

Candida is very common these days due to wrong nutrition, the healing process requires to balance your systems as a whole and maintain it this way.

17 January 2013

Becoming a Home School Teacher

Have you ever wished to become a teacher? Have you ever wanted to educate children with the right skills and concepts in order to survive life's challenges?

If you are a parent and you believe in the benefits of homeschooling, then, you could be a homeschool teacher! With homeschooling, you have the option to teach your own child in ways that follow a particular homeschool curriculum. Hence, the learning process is not limited with the rules and regulations set by the typical school system.

In homeschooling, the parents-turned-home-school-teacher can freely incorporate the right values and knowledge that they want their child to know.

You do not need some specific technical requirements in order to become a home school teacher. What you need to have is the yearning to teach your children.

Teaching your children how to learn things and how to achieve something in life will be a rewarding experience, as you watch them grow and achieve successful.

Home schooling is a rapidly spreading alternative form of education. It requires a strong desire, but nothing too stringent. Even parents without a high school diploma can handle it.

 Planning for Home school

Planning is essential for home schooling to make the flow of things smoother. Plan first the location. An extra room around the house can be perfect; however, if none is available, the dining room or the living room will do fine. Try using durable plastic bins as storage for the books, supplies, equipment and other stuff as well.

Also, include in the schedule the amount of time allotted for each subject.

Looking Up Resources and Instructional Materials

You do not need to put too much strain on the family budget to afford materials for home school instruction. If no curriculum is being followed, try to schedule enough topics and projects to last the whole school year. One can get tips online on which lessons to include plus the scope and the proper sequencing of lessons.

Finding the Right Curriculum

If the parents are trying to adapt one for their child, it is important to determine the means the child learns best, by first-hand experience, listening, reading or the like.

Home schooling is a great educational experience for both parents and children. It is for the parents to be resourceful and creative to maximize the resources and the learning of their children.

Raising Healthy Families

Raising healthy families today can be hard. Food and activities are very expensive. Considering it can take two parents to make ends meet, it can be hard to afford extra when daycare is astronomical. There are many ways that even the most conservative family can eat and live healthier. Raising the healthy family today includes both physical and emotional teaching. Children must learn what is good to eat, personal hygiene, and about exercise. They also should be taught about the importance of feelings and respecting others and themselves. To be healthy over all, one must be conscientious about both the physical and emotional needs of themselves and others. Being a healthy family starts at home with all members and then spreads into daily life in other areas.

Getting Children To Help

Children love to help by nature. If you get them involved with living healthy, you will find they will flourish. Healthy families start with getting the entire family unit to work together to improve diet, exercise, and emotional support. Gentle ways to get children to accomplish this is to take their feelings and suggestions seriously. A way to get more vegetables into the diet is to plant a garden. This can be a great family project that will not only save your grocery bill, it also adds quality family time, learning to problem solve, and activity. Children are full of energy and life. They work well to inspire tired adults who are burdened with too many responsibilities. Children can be exactly what a parent needs to motivate a better lifestyle. They are usually willing to try anything once if you make it sound fun.

Respecting Each Other

While most people think healthy families are all about proper diets and exercise, they could not be further from the truth. Living right is also emotional. We have to not only learn how to treat others, but how to respect our own selves too. When the emotional aspect of life gets over looked it can greatly affect the physical aspect. Respecting each member of the family is vital in teaching children that all people matter. All opinions should be heard and considered. Feeling should always be validated and respected, even if nothing can be done to remedy the issue. When all family members feel respected and validated, they tend to be able to portray and extend this into other areas of life, such as work and school.

Lessons On Love And Communication

Healthy families revolve around love and communication. These are the keys to long-term happiness and efficient functioning. When you have the ability to communicate well with others, you can problem solve well and portray your feelings effectively. Teaching our children these skills enables them to go into the world productively. More so, when we feel we have effectively communicated our needs to others and are heard, we feel able to open up and feel loved. Love and communication allow for trust, which is vital for healthy living all throughout life.
About the Author
Marie Watson writes weight loss, diet plan, health, beauty and general well-being articles for the Slim Eazy website at www.slimeazy.com

16 January 2013

Building Better Citizens

Children are never too young to learn how to be good citizens. "Explain to your children that they are citizens of many communities-their town, the country and the world," says Sharon Bergen, senior vice president of education and training for Knowledge Learning Corporation, the nation's leading provider of early childhood care and education. "Most important," says Bergen, "is for parents to model good citizenship."

Bergen suggests parents explain to their children that being good citizens means caring about others. She offers these tips:

Start by encouraging citizenship at the local level. Encourage your children to help elderly neighbors-without payment. At school, they can organize a recycling drive to benefit a local charity. Instill the habit of volunteerism by helping at a library or animal shelter.

Children can learn to appreciate their heritage. For example, parents can explain why Americans celebrate the Fourth of July and Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday.

To drive home the concept that we are all citizens of the world, teach respect for the environment and for other cultures. As a family, join a cleanup project on Earth Day or contribute time and money to assist victims of natural disasters worldwide.

With a little effort, children will grow up to take seriously their citizenship in the many communities in which they live.

It's All About The Mattress!

Those of us who think that mattresses are just something to plunk ourselves on and while away the night, couldn’t be more wrong. We simply might have to rethink again. The fact is that we spend one-fourth of our lives in bed and what should demand our maximum attention often goes unnoticed- for example the mattress that we sleep on.

We make the mistake of undermining the importance of mattresses by considering them to be just another part of our furniture. But this is not so. A bad mattress can be worse than the cavity in your tooth. It can cause spinal problems, muscles aches and sleep problems. The net result would be a stressed head over an equally unhealthy body.

So be very careful about choosing the mattress where you will be spending a good proportion of your life.

There are different types of mattresses available in the market today and what we decide to buy depends solely on our needs and specifications. For some foam mattresses might be the ideal choice while you may find others swearing by a spring mattress. Waterbeds and airbeds are other popular form of mattresses with their own set of merits and demerits to follow. The reason why people don’t prefer air- beds is because they are designed for temporary sleeping rather than daily usage. Its good to have an air mattress around when you are out camping or if you have guests over at your place. As for the water –beds, they aren’t considered to be very practical either because of the weight that they carry. Many homes are not designed to take the weight of a waterbed in one place.

A very popular myth running amongst most people is that hard mattresses are better in comparison to the softer ones. But this is not necessarily true. What is more important is the consistency of the surface of the mattress. The mattress should not cause pressure points in your body and leave you feeling sore. It should feel comfortable and should be in alignment with your spine so as to avoid any unwanted pressure on your other muscles and body parts.

What Is The Right Time To Change Your Mattress?

It is very essential for the user to know when his mattress needs to be replaced. Sometimes the regular use of the mattress might leave behind the impression of your body on it. In such cases you should try rotating or turning your mattress every three months at the least. Moreover the most important signal that your mattress might give you will be its inability to help you in a good night’s sleep. That’s right- when you start feeling uncomfortable in your old mattress or if you get up every morning with a sore back you can be sure that your mattress is desperately crying out for its retirement.

If you are prepared to buy a new replacement for your mattress be sure to check it out for yourself. Lie down on it and see if you are comfortable enough. If it meets both your price as well as comfort level then you can be sure that you have made the right choice!

Advantages Of Learning Through Audio Books

Books on tapes, audio books, and other audio learning devices are fast gaining popularity in the education field. In using audio book learning systems for the purpose of education, parents, teachers, and educators are relieved that its benefits are numerous. The increasing success of starting and struggling readers is often credited to using audio books as part of their learning process. Aside from this, there are other advantages in using audio materials not only in schools, but also in homes and other places.

In education, it is generally cheaper to provide a single set of books on tape, audio books, and other audio learning materials for the class to share. Money is saved because individual books are not needed. Plus, the teacher will be able to do more with his or her time while the class listens to audio lessons. Researches also show that a large percentage- 85%- of our learning and knowledge actually comes from listening. Another plus factor for using audio books is the improvement of the students' listening and comprehension skills. They are compelled to listen attentively since they cannot follow what is being played on tape with a book. In addition, studies have proved that reading beginners see printed words as disconnected symbols. Through the aid of audio learning, the rhythm of the speech and its patterns are made distinct, thereby making the printed material flowing and easily absorbed. What's more, early readers can learn the pronunciation of words through listening to books on tapes. This minimizes the risk of losing interest in reading. Difficulty in pronouncing words and the pressure of pronouncing words correctly are two of the most common reason why people lose interest in reading. Also, even if the reader does not understand the definite meaning of words or of what they're hearing, they will have an idea about its meaning depending on how it is said on tape.

The importance of books on tape, audio books, and audio learning devices are not confined to the classroom. Homeschoolers often use audio books during their classes at home. Advantages for using audio books include the development of interest for literature. It is common knowledge that children loved to be read to. Audio books and learning are a great way to expose them to literatures other than the traditional fairy tales. The danger of them being bored is very minimal as professional actors usually narrates and portrays the characters. Interesting sound effects are also added for additional enjoyment. Plus, children at an early age will learn to associate literature with a fun activity. For adults, books on tape, audio books, and audio learning devices are great ways to learn a foreign language. It is proven that learning a new language is easier if you hear it often. Also, the need to enroll in a language course is not necessary unless it is a certification that you want.

Reasons for using books on tapes, audio books, and audio learning devices are many; but still, education is the greatest. These reasons should and hopefully will provide readers with ideas on how important, and fun, audio learning is when used for education. A hoped-for and expected effect of books on tape and audio books are that children and students read at home with willingness and interest.

Active Learning Teaches Better

Do your recall in high school that one class that you absolutely hated? Of course there were other factors such as your level of interest and ability to focus that influenced your dislike of the class. Yes, you remember. This was the class that was so painfully boring that you thought you would die before the bell rang. You painfully tried to stay awake and you would develop a splitting headache or daydream about lunch while the teacher went on and on with the lecture.

Actually this scenario is pretty normal according to the experts. The experts have determined that people do not learn well in the "passive" way. Learning byjust listening to a lecture or watching someone else really does not work in the experts' opinion.

However by doing the activity being lectured on, experts have found it to be a much better and more effective way of learning. It has proven to be much better than by watching, listening, or reading.

They are not advocating that we get rid of the classroom but that we supplement classroom learning with hands-on learning. Sometimes classroom learningis the only option available however we now realizethat learning takes place by reading about a subject,discussing a subject, hearing others speak on thesubject, watching audiovisual presentations, studying real life experiences or by doing the task itself.

Different presentation methods result in differentretention rates. For example, it has been discovered that as adults we expend 90 percent of our focus in the first five minutes of a class.

The next best method of learning, after the reading or hearing methods, is seeing something done. And finally the best method is by doing.

Some old school teachers treat students like they are totally empty and it is up to them to fill them up with some amount of the world's knowledge. However we are seeing "interactive" learning becoming more and more popular today. This type of learning recognizes the experiences that each student brings to the table and utilizing these experiences to achieve effective learning.

We must take into account the differences in personalities as they have an affect on the individual's preferred learning style. No two people learn alike. Next time you attend a meeting at work, try your best to be an active participant in it instead of just soaking everything in. You will find that you may learn something and you will come away with a sense of achievement.

You will discover that when you take an active part in learning that the time will pass by much quicker and you may just get your tasks done earlier.

Managing Attention Problems

The following strategies are offered for enhancing attention and managing attention problems. This listing is by no means exhaustive, but rather is meant as a place to begin. The best resources for strategies are the creative, inventive minds of enlightened assessment professionals, teachers and parents, in partnership with the students they serve. Together they can create multiple alternative strategies.

1. Take the Mystery Away

The first and perhaps most important management strategy is to insure that all students understand how attention works and identify their particular profiles of attention strengths and weaknesses. Then, students should be taught attention management strategies.

2. Understand Consistent Inconsistency

Teachers and parents should understand that the inconsistency of children with attention problems is not evidence of a poor attitude or lack of motivation. It is a part of their biologically based attention dysfunction, and is beyond their easy control.

3. Explore the Option of Medication

For many children and adolescents, medication can be helpful in dealing with attentional difficulties. Medication can improve mental alertness and the intensity and duration of concentration. In addition, it may diminish impulsivity and hyperactivity. The student and his parents may wish to explore this option with his physician.

4. Allow for Movement and Breaks

It is helpful for students who have problems with inconsistent alertness and mental effort to be provided with opportunities to move around. For example, at school, teachers could ask the student to erase the board, collect papers or take a message to the office. At home, parents and/or the student could schedule regular breaks and change work sites. That is, the student could work several minutes at the kitchen table and several minutes on the living room floor. Each time the location is changed, the student may experience a burst of mental energy. Additionally, students may need to be doing something with their hands while seated. They may doodle, roll a piece of clay or perform some other manual tasks that enhance their alertness and arousal.

5. Vary Instructional Strategies

Teachers should use a variety of instructional strategies and these should be changed approximately every 15 to 20 minutes. For example, they could deliver information for 15 minutes via lecture. This strategy could be followed by small group work or cooperative learning for 20 minutes. Next, students could engage in individual seatwork or watch a video.

6. Use Signals

The teacher and parents should have a private way of signaling students when they are tuned out. For example, a gentle tap on the shoulder may be effective. Also, the student's teachers and parents may need to signal him when something important is about to be stated. Looking right at him, his teacher or parent could say, "Now listen very carefully. I am about to give you important instructions about tomorrow's test.”

7. Leverage Interests

Attention is enhanced when interest is heightened. Thus, students should be encouraged to read, write and talk about subjects in which they are interested. Additionally, students' attention is enhanced when information is personally relevant to them. For example, if students need to learn a chronological timetable, the teacher could begin with having the students develop a chronological timetable of the important events in their own lives.

8. Minimize Noise & Other Distractions

Students who are easily distracted should benefit from a structured auditory environment. They may need preferential seating near the front of the classroom so that noise and distractions from other students are minimized.

9. Develop Previewing and Planning Skills

Teachers and parents can help students develop previewing and planning skills by requiring them to formulate plans for writing reports and completing projects. For example, when completing a book report, the students could submit plans for how they are going to accomplish this task. They will likely need specific instruction, followed by modeling, then guided practice, and finally feedback on performance. The concept of previewing should be explained to the students and they should be aware of the fact that the activities they are engaging in will help them develop previewing/ planning skills. It is helpful if they are first given practical examples of planning, such as planning for a party.

10. Use Behavior Modification and Self-Assessment

The use of behavior modification and self-assessment strategies can be helpful in increasing desired behaviors (e.g., task completion) and/or decreasing behavior problems (e.g., impulsive blurting out during class). The specific behaviors that need to be changed should be identified (e.g., completes reading classwork; raises hand before answering questions; brushes teeth before going to bed; puts dirty clothes in laundry). The specific consequences for behavior change should also be identified. The consequence for positive behaviors must be more rewarding to the student than failure to complete the positive behavior. For example, if the child is allowed to stay up an extra 15 minutes in the evenings, this behavior must be more rewarding than leaving his/her dirty clothes on the bathroom floor. Additionally, performance of the targeted behavior must be the only way that the student is able to obtain the reward. In the previous example, the child is only able to stay up the extra 15 minutes at night if he puts his dirty laundry in the designated place. School-home notes can be used to communicate back and forth between home and school. In both settings, charts and graphs can be used to monitor progress toward the goal. Students should be encouraged to assess their own behavior in addition to being assessed by the adult. They could be given an additional reward for accurate self-assessment.

11. Discourage Frenetic Work Patterns

To help students refrain from rushing through their work, teachers and parents could avoid making statements such as, "You can go out to recess as soon as you finish your assignment" or "You can watch television when you finish your homework." Offers such as these may inadvertently encourage students to work too quickly and carelessly.

12. Get Organized

A notebook with three sections labeled "Work to be Completed," "Work Completed" and "Work to be Saved" may be used to help students organize their assignments. Color-coding notebooks for different subjects may also be helpful for organizing work.

13. Use Daily Planners

A student should use a structured daily planner to help him organize his assignments and activities. A planner that is broken down by subject within the day and has sufficient room to write all the information he needs would be preferred. ELAN Publishing offers a number of good student organizers. Alternately, he may benefit from using a personal digital assistant (PDA).

14. Set Up a Home Office

At home, parents should guide their child/adolescent with setting up his/her own well-organized "office.” Parents should schedule a weekly time that their child/adolescent will dedicate to straightening up the office and making sure all office supplies are well-stocked (e.g., post-its, pencils, pens, highlighters, paper, paper clips, stapler). The student should find his/her best time(s) for studying (his/her most alert times of day), and post these times as his/her "Office Hours." The student should also experiment with different kinds of background noise levels that work best for him/her when doing homework of studying. Some children/adolescents actually concentrate better in a noisy environment or while listening to music while others may need to use ear plugs.

15. Allow Time to Wind Down

Many students with attention problems have trouble falling asleep at night. It is helpful for them to have an established routine for going to bed at night. For example, they could read a book or have a book read to them. They can engage in stretching exercises before getting in bed. They could drink a glass of milk or hot chocolate prior to going to bed. They might also listen to quiet, easy music while falling asleep. “White noise,” such as a fan, may also be helpful in facilitating sleep.

Help your kids learn schoolwork

The following strategies are offered to help students develop a more efficient and effective memory. This listing is by no means exhaustive, but rather is meant as a place to begin.

1. Take the mystery away.

The first and perhaps most important strategy is to insure that all students understand how memory works and identify their particular profiles of memory strengths and challenges. Then, students should be taught memory management strategies.

2. Give directions in multiple formats.

Students benefit from being given directions in both visual and verbal formats. In addition, their understanding and memorizing of instructions could be checked by encouraging them to repeat the directions given and explain the meaning of these directions. Examples of what needs to be done are also often helpful for enhancing memory of directions.

3. Teach students to over-learn material.

Students should be taught the necessity of "over-learning" new information. Often they practice only until they are able to perform one error-free repetition of the material. However, several error-free repetitions are needed to solidify the information.

4. Teach students to use visual images and other memory strategies.

Another memory strategy that makes use of a cue is one called word substitution. The substitute word system can be used for information that is hard to visualize, for example, for the word occipital. These words can be converted into words that sound familiar that can be visualized. The word occipital can be converted to exhibit hall (because it sounds like exhibit hall). The student can then make a visual image of walking into an art museum and seeing a big painting of a brain with big bulging eyes (occipital is the region of the brain that controls vision). With this system, the vocabulary word the student is trying to remember actually becomes the cue for the visual image that then cues the definition of the word.

5. Give teacher-prepared handouts prior to class lectures.

Class lectures and series of oral directions should be reinforced by teacher-prepared handouts. The handouts for class lectures could consist of a brief outline or a partially completed graphic organizer that the student would complete during the lecture. Having this information both enables students to identify the salient information that is given during the lectures and to correctly organize the information in their notes. Both of these activities enhance memory of the information as well. The use of Post-Its to jot information down on is helpful for remembering directions.

6. Teach students to be active readers.

To enhance short-term memory registration and/or working memory when reading, students should underline, highlight, or jot key words down in the margin when reading chapters. They can then go back and read what is underlined, highlighted, or written in the margins. To consolidate this information in long-term memory, they can make outlines or use graphic organizers. Research has shown that the use of graphic organizers increases academic achievement for all students.

7. Write down steps in math problems.

Students who have a weakness in working memory should not rely on mental computations when solving math problems. For example, if they are performing long division problems, they should write down every step including carrying numbers. When solving word problems, they should always have a scratch piece of paper handy and write down the steps in their calculations. This will help prevent them from loosing their place and forgetting what they are doing.

8. Provide retrieval practice for students.

Research has shown that long-term memory is enhanced when students engage in retrieval practice. Taking a test is a retrieval practice, i.e., the act of recalling information that has been studied from long-term memory. Thus, it can be very helpful for students to take practice tests. When teachers are reviewing information prior to tests and exams, they could ask the students questions or have the students make up questions for everyone to answer rather than just retelling students the to-be-learned information. Also, if students are required or encouraged to make up their own tests and take them, it will give their parents and/or teachers information about whether they know the most important information or are instead focused on details that are less important.

9. Help students develop cues when storing information.

According to the memory research, information is easier retrieved when it is stored using a cue and that cue should be present at the time the information is being retrieved. For example, the acronym HOMES can be used to represent the names of the Great Lakes – Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior. The acronym is a cue that is used when the information is being learned, and recalling the cue when taking a test will help the student recall the information.

10. Prime the memory prior to teaching and learning activities.

Cues that prepare students for the task to be presented are helpful. This is often referred to as priming the memory. For instance, when a reading comprehension task is given, students will get an idea of what is expected by discussing the vocabulary and the overall topic beforehand. This will allow them to focus on the salient information and engage in more effective depth of processing. Advance organizers also serve this purpose. For older students, CliffNotes or other similar study guides for pieces of literature are often helpful aids for priming the memory.

11. Use Post-Its.

The use of Post-Its for jotting down information can be helpful for students who have short-term memory or working memory challenges.

12. Activate prior knowledge.

In order to enhance the likelihood that students will elaborate on new incoming information, teachers should activate their prior knowledge and make the new information meaningful to them. An easy way of accomplishing this task is to ask, “What do you know”, “What do you want to know”.

13. Give extended time.

If students have difficulty with the speed of retrieving information from memory, they should be given extended time for taking tests so that a true picture of what they know may be gained.

14. Use multisensory methods.

When learners, both young and old, experience something through multiple senses, they are much more likely to remember it. Use a Multisensory approach by engaging as many of the senses as possible when teaching (seeing, touching, hearing, smelling, and tasting).

15. Review material before going to sleep.

It should be helpful for students to review material right before going to sleep at night. Research has shown that information studied this way is better remembered. Any other task that is performed after reviewing and prior to sleeping (such as getting a snack, brushing teeth, listening to music) interferes with consolidation of information in memory.